She Is Wild BC 2024

Please read all of this. It contains important information.
hello wild women <3
I thank each and every one of you for allowing me to witness you.
I strongly trust with my whole heart that everything that wants to be captured, is captured.
I can’t explain it; its a feeling.
many of you asked me if you could view / purchase images from the weekend,
which i responded: yes!
here’s how:
please note:
Images are online until October 1, 2024.
– Do not screenshot images
– Do not edit, crop, or apply filters to images.
– you are encouraged to share images online and in print.
* Be sure to download high-res for print
* Web-size for sharing online
*please allow up to 24 hours for me to deliver your images once the payment is received
* download your images right away – the link to download I’ll send you only lasts 7 days.
email for e-transfer:
What is a “screen grab”?
It is an image pulled from video footage. expect them to be less crisp, maybe a little more grainy and in
a cinematic crop/format.
there is so much video footage that gets cut and never sees the light of day.
within these videos are moments that are so beautiful and want to be shared.
I ask that photo credit be given when sharing images.
Online platforms:
Instagram: @kateslensphotoandvideo
P.s I love to be invited as a collaborator when you post 🙂
Facebook: @Kate’s Lens